As part of the Illinois code, the state requires schools and day care centers to test for lead in water used for drinking and cooking. As a result, Pekron Consulting, Inc. performed water sampling for the Medinah Elementary School District #11 the summer of 2016 and recently on June 23, 2017 at all three school buildings. The purpose of the sampling is to identify potential lead contamination in the schools’ drinking water.
As you may recall, results from last year all met the compliance guidelines which were based upon the Environmental Protection Act (EPA - Federal). This year (2017), results reveal that 22 out of the 23 water sources tested are in compliance with the Illinois Department of Public Health and Environmental Protection Act. One water fountain at Medinah Primary School did not meet the expectations for the IDPH, however, it did in fact meet the requirements for the EPA. Specifically, analytical results indicate that one (1) water sample collected contained a detectible level for lead. The level detected is below the EPA’s action level for lead which is set at 15ppb but did not meet the Illinois Department of Public Health’s (IDPH) requirements for levels of lead in drinking water of 5 ppb.
The results of the analysis indicate that the one (1) source exceeds the IDPH requirements for lead in drinking water. Pekron Consulting recommends that the right water fountain near the main entrance be removed from service and replaced with a new unit when possible. To maintain safe drinking water and be in compliance with the Illinois Department of Public Health, the district will be replacing the water fountain impacted at Medinah Primary School. This will be completed approximately before August 18, 2017.
Click here to see the complete water test results for Medinah Primary School
Click here to see the complete water test results for Medinah Middle School
As always the safety and security of students, staff and families is our highest priority.