District #11’s Mission Statement
responsibility with families and community, we will develop lifelong learners
by providing a high quality education for every student, every day.
Strategic Priority #2 - Communication
We will enhance promoting communication to Medinah School District #11 stakeholders.
District #11’s website - medinah11.org
In addition to information about the district, you will also find a website for each of our schools, agendas and minutes from School Board meetings, and our Virtual Backpack with flyers from nonprofit community groups.
Online Event Calendar
The District online calendar is located at medinah11.org
Each school also maintains its own calendar on its website.
Social Media
District #11 posts updates to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @Medinah11
Rapid Communication System – Instant Connect
The rapid communication system allows District #11 to call the primary guardian for each child in a variety of weather and emergency situations. In a true crisis, the system will allow the district to call every phone number associated with a student (including emergency contacts). This system links to your student’s record, so if you need to update any information, please contact your school secretaries.
District #11 Constant Contact
If you are interested in receiving our newsletter in your email inbox, sign up here.
Power School
Parents of Middle School students can access PowerSchool Parent Portal to view their child’s grades, absences, assignments, etc. at https://medinah.powerschool.com/public/
Contact your child’s school to obtain log-in information.
Parent-Student Handbook
Every family receives a Parent-Student Handbook. Click here to view
School Closings
If school is closed due to weather or another emergency, District #11 calls every staff member and parent through the rapid communication system. We send notifications to every email we have on file and we post closings on the district website. If there is no information on the website, school is open. If an emergency occurs during the day, District 11’s rapid communication system will call and email every contact in your student’s record.
PTC Wizard
This is a parent teacher conference online sign-up application for Primary and Intermediate schools. This online scheduling system makes scheduling parent teacher conferences easy for school administration and parents. Parents can easily select available times most convenient for them.