ViewMedinah School District 11
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Important Phone Numbers                                              Medinah School Websites
District Office - (630) 893-3737                                          Medinah Primary School
Dr. Susan Redell, Superintendent                                         Medinah Intermediate School
Ms. Liz Giammarese, Superintendent Secretary                 Medinah Middle School      
Medinah Primary School - (630) 529-9788  
Medinah Intermediate School - (630) 529-6105
Medinah Middle School - (630) 893-3838
Anonymous Hotline - (630) 523-5610
FOIA's please send email to -  [email protected]

for Medinah School District 11

Email, Website, Office Phone
Akert, Ms. N
Anderson, Ms. R
Baustista, Ms. J
Beard, Mr. Conner
Network & Information Technology Administrator
Beard, Mr. Q
Bender, Mrs E
K-5 Music Teacher
Benson, Ms. C.
Special Ed Teacher
Bernacki, Ms. K
Berwick, Ms. Erin
Besancenez, Ms. B
Gr. 1
Binkus, Ms. V
Speech/Lang Pathologist
Boeing, Mr. M
Dean of Students
Bogacz, Lori
District Office Clerk
Bolz, Mr. M
Boness, Ms. A
Art/SS Teacher
Boskelly, Ms. M
Butera, Ms. T
Carello, Ms. A
Cermak, Ms. C
1st Grade Teacher
Cespedes, Ms S
Preschool Teacher
Claahsen, Mr. D.
Connolly, Ms. K
Cosgrove, Ms. E.
Social Worker
Czarnecki, Ms. Natalie
De La Cruz, Ms. R
Dominguez, Ms. Kenia
School Secretary
Fasso, Ms. D
1st Grade Teacher
Fazio, Ms. L
Kindergarten Teacher
Ferguson, Ms. M
2nd Grade Teacher
Fischer, Ms. M
Friedman, Mr. J.
K-5 PE Teacher
Garland, Ms. D
Geiger, Ms. K
Geraci, Ms. J.
5th Grade
Gerdisch, Ms. P
Giammarese, Ms. Liz
Superintendent Secretary
Girton, Ms. P
Hirschauer, Ms. Marcia
Hornstein, Ms. Sherie
School Secretary
Iadanza, Ms. S.
LMTC Director
Jasper, Ms. K
Johnson, Ms. T
JuanDiego, Ms. G.
Art Teacher
Kernan, Ms. B
Korzeniewski, Ms. E
Health Aide
Koth, Ms. K.
3rd Grade
Kowal, Ms. L
Kusmierz, Ms. B
Gr.4 Teacher
LaFronza, Ms. J
Lahart, Ms. B
Langert, Mr. S
Business Office
Langietti, Ms. Melissa
Director of Educational Services
Laskewich, Ms. K
Preschool Teacher
Leli, Mr. J
Leonard, Ms. K
Social Worker
Leone, Ms. D
Health Office & Special Ed Asst
Lima, Ms. A
Lupo, Ms. Renee
School Secretary
Lupo, Ms. S
Maciulewicz, Ms. A
2nd Grade Teacher
Mainz, Ms H
McClellan, Mr. G.
7th Grade
McDuff, Ms. C
Preschool Aide
Mealer, Ms. J
LMTC Paraprofessional
Mellert, Ms. T
Metz, Ms. J
Mondo, Ms. Lisa
School Secretary
Mouser, Ms. E
Newling, Ms C
Nunez, Ms. Y
Ohlson, Ms. B
2nd Grade Teacher
Palaci, Ms. G
Palumbo, Ms. J
Panizales, Ms. M
Peterson, Ms. K
Propheter, Mr. D
MMS - Band Teacher
Quito, Ms M.
Redell, Dr. Susan
Reyes, Ms. Michelle
School Secretary
Richey, Ms. M
Social Worker
Rochford, Ms. Anita
School Secretary
Rood, Ms. N
Scalera, Ms. Angela
Preschool Secretary
Schlueter, Ms. D
Schroll, Ms. J
Sciabica, Ms. M
Shay, Ms. S
Shuff, Ms. D
Sitarski, Ms. Michelle
School Secretary
Spencer, Ms. T
Spino, Ms. M
Stern, Ms. K
Straus, Ms. E
Stromberg, Ms. L
Studt, Mr. G
Tacikiewicz, Ms A
Tricase, Ms. A
Tricase, Mr. N
Dean of Students
Warner, Ms S
Gr. 3 Teacher
Wesley, Ms Renee
District Nurse
Wielgolewski, Ms. J
Wilkes, Ms. K.
3rd Grade
Wink, Mr. T.
PE Teacher
Wortsman, Ms. J
Medinah School District 11
700 E. Granville Avenue
Roselle, Illinois 60172
Phone: 630.893.3737 • Fax: 630.893.4947
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