ViewMedinah School District 11
Medinah Intermediate School
7N330 Medinah Road
Medinah, IL 60157
Phone: (630) 529-6105
Fax: (630) 539-3812 
Principal Mrs. Natalie Czarnecki

School Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:25 p.m.

3rd Grade
1st Recess- 11:20 a.m. -11:50 a.m.
1st Lunch-11:50 a.m. -12:10 p.m.

5th Grade
2nd Recess: 11:45 a.m. -12:15 p.m.
2nd Lunch-12:15 p.m. - 12:35 p.m.

4th Grade
3rd Recess: 12:10 p.m. -12:40 p.m.
3rd Lunch: 12:40 p.m. -1:00 p.m.


Dear Families,

Thank you for a great start to the month of September. The students are working hard and learning so many new things each day of school. With increased enrollment at MIS, we are seeing more cars picking and dropping off students. We appreciate everyone's flexibility as we are making a few changes to our procedures .
Dismissal Procedures Below:

  1. Dismissal Procedures: Correct Entrance: Please use the entrance off Medinah Road for both drop-off and pick-up.
  2. Pull All the Way Up: To prevent traffic buildup on Medinah Road and avoid bus delays, we ask that you pull all the way forward when dropping off or picking up your child. This allows more families to move through the line efficiently.
  3. Please do not get out of your car until you are in a lane. This is to help with back up of Medinah Road traffic.
  4. Please get out of your car when you pull into a lane. Please walk to the median so that your child can see you. We don’t want students crossing traffic without an adult.
  5. Bus Lane: Please be mindful not to block the bus lane. It’s crucial that our buses can move in and out smoothly.
  6. Thorndale Ave: Please do not enter or exit through this entrance. This is for busses only at dismissal time.
  7. Cross Walk in Parking Lot: Please leave the middle of the cross walk for students to find their families and stand on the sides of the crosswalk.

We understand that these times can be busy for everyone, and we appreciate your support and cooperation. Our top priorities are the safety of our students and ensuring a smooth process for all.
Thank you, and we look forward to a fantastic year ahead!

Natalie Czarnecki, Principal
Medinah Intermediate School
7N330 Medinah Rd
Medinah, Il 60157
Phone: 630-529-6105

Medinah School District 11 uses MySchoolBucks for our student fee system. Please go to MySchoolBucks.com and create a new account. You will need your child's school ID number, you can find this in PowerSchool.  If you are having trouble locating their ID number please call the school office for assistance. 
If you have any login issues you can call MySchoolbucks at 855-832- 5226. 

The District will be working with Quest to provide lunches at each school. Please click the links below to learn more about MyMeals registration and ordering. If a meal is not ordered in advance, extra lunches are not available at the school. 

Medinah District 11 - Required Signatures
Please read and digitally sign the following REQUIRED documents – FILL OUT A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH CHILD. Please have this filled out by Friday, August 30, 2024. Thank you!


Children who will be five on or before September 1, 2024, are eligible for kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year! Registration will be completed online. Once registration is completed, the school will contact families. They may need to set up an appointment to come to school to receive information about next year.    

If you need any assistance with enrolling your child in school, feel free to contact the building secretary by phone, email, or stop by the school.

If language support is needed, please contact Liz Giammarese at (630) 893-3737 or email at [email protected]. Families may also stop by the District Office during school hours for in-person assistance.

New Student Registration-Click Here: English / Espanol

2024-25 Registration-Residency .pdf

Quest Flyer.pdf

Medinah Student Code of Conduct

We are safe.
We are caring.
We are respectful.
We are responsible.

Your child's attendance matters, check out the charts below.  If your child is not going to be in school, please call the main office before 8:45am at 630-529-6105. 


**Translators (Spanish, Polish, and Ukrainian) are needed to help with communications, including writing and speaking 

**Rate of Pay is $15.00 per hour 

**Translators will be hired on an "as needed" basis 

**If interested, contact the building principal  


IXL is a great resource for students to use at home to practice math. Click on the following link to learn about how to access IXL.

Informational video about how to access IXL

Medinah School District 11 and the three schools use Constant Contact to send eNews to the parents' email addresses that were provided during registration. If you would like to receive these eNew deliveries, please click on the Constant Contact logo and take one minute to provide some information.

Lunch orders will always be due the Wednesday one week prior.

Please Read:

Quest - Parent Letter-Click Here

Quest - Parent Letter Spanish-Click Here

Thursdays: Medinah Strong Day-wear your medinah strong apparel or wear red
Fridays: Spirit Day-Medinah Spirit Day-wear spirit wear or BLUE

Half Day Dismissal at 11:45 a.m.- please call the office before 10:30 a.m. with any dismissal changes

Early Dismissal at 2 p.m.-please call the office before 12:30 p.m. with any dismissal changes.

Lockdown Safety Drill

Parent Teacher Conferences-evening
CAP 3rd & 5th Grade (more information to come)
Spirit Day: Blackhawks Season Opener: Wear Blackhawks attire

Picture Day- Click HERE to order.
CAP 3rd & 5th Grade (more information to come)

Parent Teacher Conferences-evening
INVIEW testing (5th Grade only)

CAP 3rd & 5th Grade (more information to come)
Spirit Day: Bulls Season Opener: Wear Bulls attire

No School

Monday- 10/14
No School-Columbus Day

The PTC Wizard will open today, Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. Parents have through Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. to sign up online.

Student Supply List
Wolverine Weekly
To find out more about standards based grading and how student progress will be shared with parents, please check out the attached documents.
Medinah School District 11
700 E. Granville Avenue
Roselle, Illinois 60172
Phone: 630.893.3737 • Fax: 630.893.4947
© 2024. Medinah School District 11. School CMS created by eSchoolView
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